Jul 7Liked by Amy - The Tonic

Excellent edition thank you! I particularly respected the Julia Doubleday/Gauntlet piece about Covid infections in pregnant women, etc. it’s spot on. And I’m definitely looking forward to the Olympics and Simone Biles! Thank you for the link, too ☺️

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Thanks for reading, doc. One day when I’m gainfully employed again, I hope to become a paid subscriber. Your posts are always fantastic.

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Jul 7Liked by Amy - The Tonic

Oh I thought I had “comped” you? I like to do that with other writers. Let me do that now, thanks!

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Oh my - I hope you don’t think I was fishing for that! I really meant what I said. But thank you! That is so kind of you.

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Jul 7Liked by Amy - The Tonic

Not at all - honestly an oversight on my part, thanks for what you do!!

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Well then comp me too! I subscribed after reading Amy's link and your excellent article. I am in the class of 2020, a fifth year long hauler who is seeing an electrocardiologist in a few hours about my covid-etiology (in all likelihood) atrial fibrillation/arrhythmia. Long Covid is amazingly dangerous..even after five years.

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Hi Michael - sure why not? I'll put a trial on there and see if you like it, most of my stuff recent stuff is free anyway. Sorry and a kind of congratulations on the 5 years of hauling, and hope to EP visit went as well as one can hope.

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Jul 6Liked by Amy - The Tonic

The research on anaerobic exercise you linked to is fascinating. Firstly, the approach Dr. Simon recommends to building up exercise tolerance is basically what worked for me, too. Extremely small increases, interspersed by rest.

Secondly, the part on oxygen-deprivation is in line with what I've been learning in my breathwork training (in short - CO2 tolerance can be severely reduced in LC patients, which leads to lower O2 uptake in the cells, which leads to overbreathing, which leads to losing even more CO2 (vicious cycle). Fascinating. Thanks for sharing :)

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So true - I remember within my first year of LC how much trouble I had doing breath holds. I definitely had to build up that tolerance.

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Jul 8Liked by Amy - The Tonic

Thanks Amy! I particularly liked the “16 Things That Will Drastically Improve Your Well Being” and your Daily Bitch Calendar 🤣 Looking forward to your next edition!

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I loved that one too! It felt like a side of wellness we often overlook. Thanks for being here with me, Paula 😘

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Jul 7Liked by Amy - The Tonic

Thank you for the mention, Amy! I am shocked but not shocked about the figure from Dr Ruth. Goodness. And hooray for Zira!!

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Right? The number is eye-opening, but then again, it’s what we’ve been saying for years now.

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Jul 7Liked by Amy - The Tonic

YAY ZIRA!!!! 😍

LOVED this round up. The loneliness article 😭Also that long COVID statistic for the summer is 😮😮😮

The way people have stopped talking/thinking about COVID is so unsettling. Thank you for doing this extremely important work, Amy. I so appreciate you. ❤️‍🔥

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Thanks for reading and for cheering me on, Jenovia! Oh, and Zira too 😻

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You keep me smiling Amy! Especially the frogs.

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ha! Thanks Mardi 🐸

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Jul 6Liked by Amy - The Tonic

Aw thanks for the shoutout Amy!

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back atcha!

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Jul 6Liked by Amy - The Tonic

Love that terra cotta color in the last picture!!!

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