Many heartfelt thanks for the mention! And I bloody well need that vacuum!

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May 11Liked by Amy - The Tonic

Me too!

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It’s on sale on the Dyson site now! You won’t be sorry!

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May 11Liked by Amy - The Tonic

Fighting off PEM, brain fog and balance issues. But other than that I'm just Jim Dandy! Spend more time in the hospital than in my own backyard!


Class of 2020

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Ugh, fellow 2020 alum…I’ve had some balance issues lately too, kind of out of nowhere. Hope it passes for us both soon 🤞🏻

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May 11Liked by Amy - The Tonic

It's like a barrel of monkeys, the amazing diversity of symptoms. Requires a bit of a sense of humor to cope with it, which we both seem to have!

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If we don’t find a way to laugh, we’ll just spend our days crying.

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I like the barrel of monkeys analogy

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May 11Liked by Amy - The Tonic

So glad to see the 1/185 stat. Releases a huge psychological burden.

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Where did you see that? I do admit I don’t read every link I post here to the end. Sometimes I don’t read them at all, but I’ll post if I feel like someone might want to see it.

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Lol I can't find it now at all but it specifically had to do with waste measuring in California in different areas that I remember

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I can totally speak to the neurological rewiring LC does, as my brain slid sideways right after the Equinox and made life (ahem) "peachy" for nearly two months.

I will say, though, that I got a CPAP machine, thanks to a recent sleep apnea diagnosis, and it is making a difference. I don't feel like I'm swimming through molasses first thing in the morning anymore.

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Interesting, Victoria. I’m convinced I have sleep apnea because I wake up gasping for air not infrequently. Did a home sleep study but those are terrible (the equipment is super temperamental) and it found nothing.

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I agree the equipment is super temperamental. I did the home study and the little flashing red lights made me paranoid that I wasn't going to get any decent results. I slept enough for it to detect the apnea, though.

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May 12Liked by Amy - The Tonic

Thanks, as always, for your post!

This, according to HCR: "But “Mothers’ Day”—with the apostrophe not in the singular spot, but in the plural—actually started in the 1870s, when the sheer enormity of the death caused by the Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War convinced writer and reformer Julia Ward Howe that women must take control of politics from the men who had permitted such carnage. Mothers’ Day was not designed to encourage people to be nice to their mothers. It was part of women’s effort to gain power to change society."

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Thanks for reading and for sharing this. I (randomly) read this fact yesterday in a book I’m reading (Monsters by Claire Dederer). I think it’s safe to say Mothers’ Day today is pretty far from what Howe envisioned. <sigh>

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May 13Liked by Amy - The Tonic

For sure. I do like to think of its origins as women deciding that men couldn't run things and they just need to take over. Still so true.

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Long, long overdue!

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Office Space is one of my favorite movies. Never gets old.

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I’m always amazed when I encounter someone who has yet to see it. It’s brilliant!

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May 11Liked by Amy - The Tonic

Love the every in this weeks post, I can feel it!!! Broom broom 🤩🤩

So many good links/recommendations too….cant recall what I wanted to comment now because I went down such a rabbit hole in other substackers posts and subscribed to them all….. thanks for all this Stirling work you do for the community 🙏🩵🦋✨

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Thank you Amber! I’ve gotten the bulk of my subscribers through other Substackers boosting my newsletter in theirs, so I love to pay it forward ☺️

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